Filled up the newly constructed 'salad box' with compost.
Planted up ...
Tomato plants - two Money Makers, one Beefsteak (bought today) and an Alicante. Still have a couple of tomatoes plants to find a home - another Money Maker and one Black Cherry. Seedlings are starting to sprout so will also have some normal cherry tomatoes too.
Courgette plant - bought on Saturday, which is getting munched by slugs and snails already. Surprisingly one of the courgettes I planted is finally starting to come through.
Three cucumber plants (bought today) - outdoor ones. Giving up on the seeds I'd planted. I also have a yellow, cucumber plant.
Peas - not something I'd usually grow but I bought a pot today and will see what happens. More likely to be slug fodder.
The second sowing of runner beans are just starting to come through. The four other plants are growing strongly and will get planted up as soon as I get hold of some well rotted manure.
Planted up some more mangetout from a freshly purchased packet. Hopefully these will do better than the last lot and not take too long to come up.
Sifted out a load of compost to fill up pots and container from the second bin - along with a load of bindweed - it gets everywhere unfortunately.