Sunday, 19 June 2011

A New Raised Bed

Busy planting up this weekend and assembled a new raised bed - bought in kit form from the garden centre - deeper than the last one, which was starting to come apart and slightly smaller - this one being square rather rectangular.

Lined and filled with soil, compost and a good helping of well rotted horse manure along with coffee grounds, gleaned from a local coffee stall.

It's in the same place as the last one, at the bottom of the garden which makes the most of the afternoon sun and is where I intend to grow the beans this year ... there's still time to get them planted.

The new wicker containers on the patio, planted up with courgette and cucumbers.  Gooseberries are fruiting well in a pot at the back (it really needs to be repotted at the end of this year!).

Chilli peppers are planted up in the pots to the left.

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